A little bit about me–
I’m Shannon Angel, a 30 something living in the suburbs of Austin, Texas. I have my husband to thank for my awesome last name, I actually have him to thank for bringing me to the Austin area as well. A job change and move from Chicago to our current home all happened just weeks after our wedding.
I spend my days working at a medical office, and I was feeling like I needed a creative outlet. I have always been an artist, I have always loved food…why not combine the two? Food is something I am very passionate about. I love to eat out, order in, cook, read cookbooks, watch cooking shows, listen to food podcasts, try to recreate and revamp recipes..seriously anything involving food.
A big way I show my love is through food, and that makes it feel very personal. I struggled with whether to add a personal voice to this blog, cause let’s be real no one wants to sift through the personal stuff when they’re just looking for a recipe. The purpose of this blog was a creative outlet to share recipes, I feel like I am sharing part of my kitchen and my home.. that made me decide that I would just use this space to be me. I am a quirky, sensitive, share your whole heart kind of lady and I wanna share my food with you!